17th International Meeting of the
European Calcium Society
Homerton College, Cambridge
1st – 4th September 2024
Preceded by the meeting of the
junior European Calcium Society (jECS)
31st August – 1st September 2024
The Scientific programs for the jECS and ECS2024 are updated on the website and are available as downloads. Other information is still being updated – so please come back. For any queries, please send us an email via [email protected].
Registration closed 1st August 2024.
Invited Speakers and Chairs
Martha Cyert
Keynote speaker
Stanford University, USA
Annette Dolphin
Keynote speaker
University College London, UK
Gaiti Hasan
Keynote speaker
NCBS, Bangalore, India
Indu Ambudkar
Session Chair
James Ames
Invited speaker
UC Davis, USA
Alessandra Astegno
Invited speaker
University of Verona, Italy
Andreas Bender
Invited speaker
University of Cambridge, UK
Martin Bootman
Session chair
The Open University, UK
Eugen Brailiou
Session chair
Temple University, USA
Axel Brakhage
Invited speaker
Leibniz-HKI, Jena, Germany
Jason Bruce
Invited speaker
University of Manchester, UK
Geert Bultynck
Session chair
KU Leuven, Belgium
Robert Campbell
Session chair
University of Tokyo, Japan
Elizabeth Cartwright
Invited speaker,
University of Manchester, UK
Hod Dana
Invited speaker
Case Western Reserve University, USA
Daniele Dell’Orco
Session chair
University of Verona, Italy
Nic Demaurex
Session chair
University of Geneva, Switzerland
Claire Deo
Invited speaker
EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany
Isabella Derler
Invited speaker
Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
Björn Dierks
Invited speaker
UKE, Hamburg, Germany
Geneviève Dupont
Invited speaker
Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
Agnes Enyedi
Session chair
Semmelweis University, Hungary
Lukas Friedrich
Invited Speaker
Merck Healthcare KGaA
Andreas Guse
UKE, Hamburg, Germany
Jen Liou
Invited speaker
UT Southwestern Medical Center, USA
Jonathan Marchant
Invited speaker & Session chair
Medical College of Wisconsin, USA
Dirk Montag
Invited speaker
LIN, Magdeburg, Germany
Greg Monteith
Invited speaker
University of Queensland, Australia
Rupal Gupta
Invited speaker
City University of New York, USA
Rajender Motiani
Invited speaker
Regional Centre of Biotechnology, Dehli, India
Jesper Nylandsted
Invited speaker
Danish Cancer Institute, Denmark
Raz Palty
Invited speaker
Technion, Israel
Sandip Patel
Session Chair
University College London, UK
Jim Putney
Anna Raffaello
Invited speaker
University of Padova, Italy
Ursula Rescher
Session chair
University of Münster, Germany
Katja Rietdorf
Session chair
The Open University, UK
Jennifer Rieusset
Invited speaker
Claude Bernard University, France
Ana Rossi
Session chair
University of Cambridge, UK
Gray Shaw
Invited speaker
University of Alberta, Canada
Mo Trebak
Invited speaker
University of Pittsburgh, USA
Alex van Vliet
Invited speaker
LMB, Cambridge, UK
David Weber
Session chair
University of Maryland, USA
Jiusheng Yan
Invited speaker
University of Texas, USA
Yongjuan Zhao
Invited speaker
CUHK-Shenzhen, China
Local Organising Committee
Katja Rietdorf (The Open University), Ana Rossi (Cambridge University), Sandip Patel (UCL), Martin Bootman (The Open University)
Photo taken at the ECS Workshop in Leuven, November 2023.
The organisation takes place together with the ECS Organising Committee & Scientific committee
Location of our venue
The venue, Homerton College in Cambridge, is located just south of the city centre, close to the train station. The college has beautiful grounds and offers on-site accommodation.
The conference, including coffee breaks, poster sessions, and exhibitions by sponsors, will happen in the lecture hall and adjoining rooms. Lunches will be held in the cafeteria, and a BBQ is planned in the college gardens. The college bar is open in the evenings and we aim to provide some entertainment. Other restaurants and pubs are available in the area or in the city centre. The social program should include the option for a visit to the city centre and punting.
About The ECS Meeting
Every 2 years the European Calcium Society organises a main scientific meeting. In-between the years the society holds workshops.
Photo from the ECS Meeting in Cork, 2022.
Travel Fellowships
To promote sustainability of our event, we encourage all participants whenever possible to use public transport. Cambridge is well served by rail network. The venue site is a 10-minute walk from Cambridge train station. For intercontinental visitors, a direct train from London Stansted Airport to Cambridge is available.
Thanks to the support of the ECS, we are able to offer ten travel fellowships (to early career researchers or jECS members) and three emerging countries fellowships (to attendees from emerging countries). Please highlight in the registration form if you want to be considered for a Fellowship. Further information can be found on the ‘Practical Info’ page.
Thank you to our sponsors for making this event a success.